Saturday, December 30, 2006

The New Christine!

My Beautiful Wife - Christine has now lost 80 lbs!!! And works out at a ladies gym!

Here she is, Glamorous & Sexy:

Dinkers and the Manger Visit . . .

Dinkers visited the manger scene across the street at the church . . .

Christmas 2006 at home

Here are some images of our Christmas Lights and homelife at the end of 2006!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

OOps ! We're slacking on postings!

Just had a nice quiet Thanksgiving and now Christine has a 2005 Nissan Altima!!

from me:

... and I'll still drive my 1999 Ford Contour!

and the animals are excited too!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Foy's Store in Fairborn, Ohio

Here's some photos of our visit to Foy's Store in Fairborn, Ohio!
It's the Ultimate Halloween Store! Wax Lips and all kinds of novelties!

Foy's Store, a classic old '5 and Dime' establishment where not only are Halloween items available year-round, but seemingly all those things 'you just can't find anymore' are located. Take your kids and be a kid again, this place is great fun! Come in October to get the full effect, as their Haunted House and Costume stores are across the street!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

October 9, 2006 - Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

Here are some photos of the progress of Christine's Bariatric Surgery, performed at Miami Valley Hospital, October 9, 2006.

the patient is ready

Leg inflatable patting to massage the legs from any blood clots.

this is the Surgery Area...

Christine's "E.T." the movie's finger act.

the scars of surgery.

this is the temporary feeding tube.

fluids will be slowly injected into the feeding tube;
such as a potassium fluid shown.

. . . . . . . . . and this man is very concerned.

. . . . . on Oct. 11, storm clouds appeared.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Beavercreek Spider Invasion!

September was a web infested month around our home. Early, one dew shrouded morning I captured these mysterious webs. Needless to say, Christine was abit disturbed over the infestion.

Could this be the home of the Beavercreek Spider?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Maine Coon Cat Poses

Citi poses for the camera!

Happy Labor Day Weekend to Friends and Family!

Hope you all enjoying your weekend as we are. I gotta say my Husband did something he has never done before, he gave me flowers! Beautiful Pink Roses!HUGE!!! We took Pics as you can see. I was so proud and warm and fuzzy over the moment I had to grab our camera to capture the moment:-).

We toured a couple of our favorite thrift stores yesterday, as well as stop off at our favorite place "The Root Beer Stande".
Look what happened to this Giant Pork Tenderloin Sandwich!!

The weather has been wonderful. Fall is really in the air!Today we clipped coupons and dashed to the store early as we do on Sundays to beat the crowds. Bill is outside mowing the yard as we speak. He's off labor day as well so we'll grill tonite and tomorrow. He is the "Master Griller"!

Since being off work I have been trying to keep occupied. My problem is that my brain is the one that starts running amuck by getting idea's, like taking some college coarses online........ and looking for homes in Reno:-) hehehehe. I have found several within the price range we would qualify for, it's best to at least know ahead of time what your going up against that doing all this last minute. So actually i am doing us a favor. I would be more business savvy I think than Bill is and I am a deal maker! I even found a home 10 minute away from Brett and Laurie. Bill wants a place that is just far enough away from the big city, with still the convenience of travelling to work. The trick is finding one fairly centralized. They may not happen. But I know all the hot spots to look around anyways. I want Nevada over California so we don't get to much of the higher cost of living and taxes. Property taxes aren't to bad either in NV.

Things are getting down to the wire for me regarding my Surgery. Better than a month away, and I am soooooooo excited. I have all the things in the house that I need regarding my supplement's and vitamin's. I go for another day of pre-surgical testing even though I did it last month, but since it will be over 30 day's, they'll have to redo them. My foot is doing wonderful. No discomfort or pain anymore but some swelling still. I feel good physically and looking forward to my future more than ever! Dinki is so enjoying me home I hate to go back to work in December. Maybe I can work something out with Bill since I won't be eating as much! LOL!!! Just kiddin Honey!!

Well gonna split for now......Love you all so much God Bless Uncle John Calvert and I pray that he's comfortable and I also pray for his Wife Chloe and his kid's, Kim and Tammy and all their family.I pray for Aunt Veronica, she may be losing her Brother and the last of her immediate Family member. I also pray for all of my wonderful Family that we always seek strength in the Lord Jesus Christ and always remember he is there for us 24/7 365 day's a year. Times get to be such a bummer sometimes no matter how tight we are in his love for us.