Sunday, May 20, 2007

The New Christine - Glamour Shots!

Can you guess where Christine aquires her beautiful and creative attire? If so, please post your answers in the Comment area of the post.
Winners will receive a gift certificate from where Christine loves to shop and a hug and kiss from Chris!
No purchase is necessary.
Eligible in Ohio,
especially California and Nevada!

New addition to home!

Here is the new addition to our home! One day, actually last month, as I was mowing the lawn Christine went to Petsmart to get Dinkers some Dingo's and fell in love with this adorable extremely affectionate kitten! We have named her "Cattie"! Our other cat, the Maine Coon "Citi" disagrees with her playfulness and hisses at her alot. However as time passes the two should adjust... maybe.

The Reiter Dairy Cows

The Reiter Dairy Cows - Rosie & Rascal made their appearance at Lofino's Marketplace in Beavercreek - and We Were There! This was all in promotion over Lofino's Fuel Savings of 20 cents a gallon if you spent $20 those 2 days. However those cows stayed for an entire week at the fuel station. Sometimes the cows won't come home.

Dinkers and the Luna Moth

One early morning stroll with the Dinkers Dawg we stumbled across a Luna Moth on the pavement of the local car wash. Christine was happy that she wasn't with us, she said she would have flipped out. I aways wanted to see a Luna Moth.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Radio Talk Show Session

Friday evening we were able to attend a Radio Talk Show session at the Nutter Center in Beavercreek, sponsored by WHIO Talk Radio and Wright-Patt Credit Union! Radio Money-Talks Guru - Clark Howard was the featured guest!! It was very entertaining and informative!
