Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Past!

Christine and sister Laurie
Christmas 1965!
Bill, his Mom and sister in the living room Christmas 1975!

Did I have bell bottom pants on!?!

A "bearded" Bill opening a present - Christmas 1984!
Here are my Mom & Dad at Christmas in 1956!

Christmas is Close!

Here are some Holiday photos of what's going on!

Here are some Annalee dolls that Christine collects!

She adores their sweet and happy faces!!! (click here: Annalee to visit their website!)

yep . . .
that's a man with antlers.

Strange Bedfellows

This is the "first" time our cats have ever gotten this close together!!
Could it be because of the "Christmas Spirit" !?!

The older cat, a Maine Coon named "Citi" seemed abit annoyed over the fact that she was in the chair first!!!
The younger cat, named "Catie" had no problem leaping up on the same chair with her arch-nemesis "Citi".
I still believe it had to do with the fact that it is Christmas time and all animals come to peace with each other and share the joy of the season.
A good example of "Merry Christmas to All, And to All A Good Night."

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas is near . . .

First, here's something OLD - me and my Aunt Bertha (only we could not pronounce "Bertha" so we called her "Bob"!)
Yep, that's me on the lap of Aunt Bob!!!
Don't I look thrilled!!

and Now Something NEW!!!

The sun sure is bright outside in that white snow! Better wear eye protection!