Saturday, May 03, 2008

The WTVN 610AM Radio John Corby Ultimate Garage Sale in Columbus, Ohio

This was Christine's dream - to meet her 610 WTVN Radio Personalities!

Saturday, May 3, 2008 - We finally made it to The Annual WTVN 610AM Radio's John Corby Ultimate Garage Sale in Columbus, Ohio! It was held in the old JC Penney's closed store at the Westland Mall off West Broad Street in Columbus, OH.

- to the left is 610 WTVN Radio personality John Corby with Chris!

here is 610 WTVN's Radio Personality Joel Riley with Chris!

here, from left to right, is Chris with 610 WTVN's Traffic Reporter Craig Sinclair, Corby's Producer Joe Bradley and Chris' husband Bill proudly holds up the rear.

As we left early that Sunday Morning . . .

Sunday, April 27 early morning, around 6:30am, I captured a fox race across the Wards' front lawn.
I thought, there must have been a meaning behind this animal's sudden appearance.
Chris said it was a sign that we and Teena & Craig would make a safe trip home from the love, the warmth and happiness the Wards family have offered us.

This I found on an Animal Totems website:
A totem is any entity which watches over or assists a group of people, such as a family, clan or tribe)

The Fox represents cunning, slyness, stealth, observation, and wisdom.

A Fox is very quiet and blends into its surroundings becoming almost invisible. Being in harmony with ones surroundings is important to people who carry this medicine. For those with this animal spirit guide, try being very quiet and practice blending in without notice - especially if you have a powerful presence around others.

The Fox has super-sensitive hearing - so you may also be able to hear Spirit. Listening is often more important than speaking - a good lesson to remember.

The Fox is physically and mental quick and extremely agile which can teach you ways to respond quickly to situations by using the power of inner instincts and knowing.

A Fox teaches good eating habits - not from what it eats, but from the way it eats. The fox eats small amounts frequently. The Fox is not a picky eater and readily accepts whatever is available.

The Fox packs a lot of medicine and good teachings into its small body. Knowing the Fox and its ways will help you maintain balance and harmony in your life.

(CLICK Photos to enlarge them to view the fox running from right to left of the photo!)

God Bless the Ward Family.

The Ladies Basketball Hall of Fame Dinner

Saturday, April 26 we attended the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame Dinner induction of Craig & Christine's friend - Amy Metheny, who roomed with their sister Lisa in Santa Carita, CA years ago.

Family Photo Sessions

It's Chris & Bill.
Teena & Capt. Craig Goodman of the USS Ronald Reagan

The Captain and Little Charlie (Bubba)

Aunt Veronica and Cousin Julie's Kids!

Uncle Don & Aunt Veronica with Julie's Kids!

At Vicky & Charlie Ward's Home . . .

Friday, April 25 we visited and had a wonderful dinner at Vicky & Charlie Ward's beautiful home.

In The Wards Garden!

The Wards' beautiful garden!

A Visit with The Wards & Goodman Family in Indianapolis!

Thursday, April 24 we arrive at the Wards home and were taken out to the wonderful Iaria's Italian Restaurant downtown Indianapolis, Indiana!

In the restaurant there were all these legendary movie star statues displayed.
These statues made an impression on Chris because we found these at a Dayton Thrift Store that I retouched and patched with some plaster on some chips on the statues! Yes, it's Laurel & Hardy!!! (They are the classic antique ESCO statues)