Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bill brought Chris a GPS System!

This past Black Friday, I brought Chris a GPS Navigation device!
Actually it was a Garmin.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fall 2008 has arrived.

It's Fall, and all the trees' leaves are changing colors.

And Dinki got a new sweater! That makes her want to sit alot. We finally had to take it off her to get her to walk. The sweater was too comfortable to move in.

And Dinki got a grooming!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween is coming . . .

Recently when the Dinki dawg takes me for a walk the Bruning's Clock Shop has some haunting features that startle us -

(click on the photos for larger views!)

"barking at the deadman."
(sounds like a song!!)

(Sorry - The video is sideways! I thought I could rotate it on the computer!!!)

. . . so now the watchdog awaits.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Holmes Family Ancestry

I have started assembling my Holmes, Crawford, Richardson, Dickison, May families ancestry.
It is a work in progress. Any and all information is much needed. So far I've added 66 photos. And some memories and stories. Plus the famous story of my grandfather Bill Holmes who rode his motorcycle across the "frozen" Ohio River back in the 1930's! Included is the actual Portsmouth Times newspaper article.

You may view many family members at this Ancestry website:
click here: The Holmes-Dickison Family of South Shore, Kentucky.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hurricane Ike's Ohio "Dry-Forced-Winds"

Hurricane Ike's Ohio "Dry-Forced-Winds" tore through the Ohio Greene County Sunday, September 14, 2008 leaving many without power. Fortunately we only lost Time-Warner Cable/Internet for a week and a half. The winds were 65-75 mph and here are some of the aftermath in our backyard in Beavercreek, Ohio.

Here are some video clips I made of the Hurricane Ike's "Dry-Forced-Winds". The winds became very extreme throughout Sunday.

Our backyard:

Next to our home - the Beavercreek Car Wash fence:

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Christine dressed in one of her favorite Team Jerseys for work this past week for a Sports Lunch Event at work! GO COLTS!

Talk to the Mantis.

UPDATE!!! I believe now that this Mantis was a "prophet" warning me of the upcoming "Dry Wind" Hurricane Ike that was to hit our Beavercreek, Ohio area the very next day!!!

Today I communicated with this alien life - The Praying Mantis. It warned me that summer
was almost over and that autumn was just around the corner. The mantis then turned it's head and said goodbye. I was surprised to learn just how intelligent these mantis really were.
(NOTE: The word mantis derives from the Greek word mantis for prophet or fortune teller.)

Beavercreek Popcorn Festival 2008

It was Sunday, September 7, 2008 and we walked down to the Beavercreek Popcorn Festival on Dayton-Xenia Road!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Getting Nostalgic again . . . vintage photos

Christine is working today, so I started looking back in old photo albums and guess what I found . . .

(Click on Photo to Enlarge it!)
This is my 1st Grade Class Photo! My dad was principal Mr. Holmes, over to the left and my teacher was Mrs. Ruggles - inwhich I am standing right in front of!
The 2 girls in the front row to the far left in aqua/teal dresses were Sylvia and Angela who I would develop a crush on. I would write love letters to Sylvia only to have Angela intercept them!

Here I am in 1959 - they kept me in a pin and forced me to ride ponies!!

and I would lay down with my best friend, Huckleberry Hound! I dragged that stuffed animal everywhere I would go - nowadays I have a Dinki pekingese that I walk - kinda ironic!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bill and the Bugs!

From Cicada shells to bees and monster moths - Beavercreek, Ohio has been very active with insect life this summer! Here are some images of what we have encountered . . .

and the most frightening was this creature!!!

"Christine" sprayed and killed
this monster spider

in our basement!!