Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Fantastic Amazing Adventures . . .

Here I am trying to escape from some Space Giants from a fantastic lost planet in the Xenia Galaxy . . .

Chris & Bill had a tough time battling those "Plant Creatures" on that last planet we landed on . . .

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ant Problems . . . No Problem.

Christine said we may have an Ant problem
- I said, I've dealt with Ants before . . .

. . . darn things!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

1968 Holmes Family of South Shore, Kentucky Super 8mm Films

I finally found out how to post my family's Super 8mm Home Movies so I could share them with you!! Here is my family's first Florida Vacation in 1968 in 3 Parts - I even gave them all a soundtrack!! - being in Super 8mm they were silent films. You can leave comments on the actual YouTube website. I will post more later on - they take some time to upload!

This is Part 1 of a Series of Super 8mm Home Movies that my family took of our yearly Florida Vacations. The year is 1968 and we took our first trip to Fort Pierce, Florida. We saw my mother's dad and mom (Ma-maw & Pa-paw) who were vacationing earlier that year, staying in my mom's Aunt Rosealie & Ralph's Florida vacation home. We also visited Cypress Gardens in this film segment.

This is Part 2 of a Series of Super 8mm Home Movies that my family took of our yearly Florida Vacations.
In this home movie clip we see "Flipper" (aka Mizi) the dolphin, star of the TV Series, drive across the 7 Mile Bridge to Key West, swimming folics in a motel pool, Ernest Hemingway's Home, visit a Fort in Key West, see a Seminole Indian Village and return to the Fort Pierce Beach!

This is Part 3 of a Series of Super 8mm Home Movies that my family took of our yearly Florida Vacations.
Here we are on the beach of Fort Pierce, Florida, my grandfather's filming antics with the Super 8mm camera (crazy thought of it being a "moving camera"), Amelia Earhart's home on Indrio Road, during our return to Kentucky we stopped in Macon, Georgia to visit our Aunt Sharon and her mother and then "All The Snow" we came home to in South Shore, Kentucky!

Hope you like them.
- Bill

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Something I have to share . . .

Found this photo the other day - when I slipped into that "Time Tunnel" back in 1969, or was it just yesterday, or a year ago!?! Anyway The Time Tunnel has a way of interweaving time and memories.
(Actually this is another photoshop piece I created.)

Friday, June 06, 2008

The Garden Tortoise

This evening as I looked out the back window I spotted what I imagined was a prehistoric beast!! A monster . . . it was alive . . . walking . . . with it's head stretched outward it amazed me to the point of grabbing my camera and racing out as it slowly creeped across our lawn . . .


When Christine learned of this discovery - she raced out of the house and ran down and actually picked the poor creature up!!! At my dismay I yelled out "It Is A Wild Animal!! Put It Down!"

The Tortoise hissed and stretched it's neck out at her and then I think she realized it wasn't domesticated and quickly laid the animal down. She had me run back to the house and get lettuce for the beast. Finally we allowed it to go on it's way and watched through the window as it journeyed through the neighbor's yard to some other domain.

Summer 2008 Is Here!!!

Today temperatures were at 90 degrees! And it looks like more 90 degree weather ahead of us.

This Sunday we plan on going to the Troy, Ohio's Strawberry Festival. Look for some festival photos to come.